Thursday, May 23, 2019

I was wrong!

Joan Boney ... apostle/prophet

We have a neighbor who takes care of her mom who is in her 80's. They come to Pam's house weekly and we have dinner and a movie.

The last time Kim and "mom" were here, we were watching an old movie on DVD. It is a movie I know very well, having seen it many times. Thoroughly Modern Millie with Julie Andrews, Mary Tyler Moore, and Carol Channing.

Before we started the movie, Kim asked: "When was that movie made?" and she went on to say, "in the 60's?"

I rather arrogantly responded, "NO ... it was later than that. In the 70's or 80's."

Then I realized I had no idea when that movie was made and I asked Pam to look up the production date on Internet.

I told Kim she might be right. (I was rather horrified at my presumption of knowledge.)

The production date was 1968.

This was very good for me to be "mortified" over thinking I knew something when I didn't know.

It caused me to examine my secular words more and not be so sure!


In Bible and things of God, I am so cautious and disciplined. I have a strong fear of God, respect for what I would say concerning God, proving all things by Bible, and prayer and by that brought to my mind by the Holy Spirit.

But on certain secular things, movies and football history, I am often too sure of myself.  Pride of man.


My flesh was "pricked" in my being wrong ... and it was very good for this to have happened to me and it caused me to change my way, as I went forward, putting a restraint on myself in secular matters.

Romans 8:28  And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to HIS purpose.
