Monday, May 27, 2019

Follow up letter to my cousin

Joan Boney ... apostle/prophet



In one of your last notes to me, you said you are still using a cane.

This seemed to be a complaint.

If so, consider this:  You could be in a diaper as some older people are today.  They have no way to get to bathroom so they have to urinate upon themselves and have bowel movements in their diapers and have to be cleaned by nurses aides.

You should be thankful you can get to the bathroom with a cane.

I know of a man who is currently in assisted living at 87, and he is bedfast and can only use a diaper and defecate on himself and be wiped like a baby by nursing staff.

I know how terrible this is for it happened to me after my last surgery.

As I was lying there helpless, watching people on TV, I kept thinking how these people had no idea how fortunate they were to be able to walk and get to bathroom.

What a great blessing from God to be able to walk even with a cane. 


Jeanne ... you are 96 now and will die soon.

The rest of your days should be lived in peace, without spot and blameless.  II Peter 3:14

Jesus said the time would come when church people will try to kill the ministers of God thinking they do God service.  (Paraphrase:  John 16:2-3)  They do this because they do not know God, though they think they do.

This you do to me ... trying to stop me and discourage me from speaking that which I believe to be from God.

You should not want to face your own death doing such things.

In spite of all the evil you have thought about me and spoken to Beesons about me in past, I still care very much about you and your salvation.

I believe you are in terrible danger.

I hope you can have shame for these things and repent.

You think you know because of doctrines you have heard at church all your life but you hold to only part of Bible and twist other parts, but you live in a type of religious smugness.

You don't speak edifying words to people like me.  You just hint at wrong doing and don't even have courage to cite a scripture to back up your accusations against me.  This is exceedingly evil.

You think me to be wrong just as the Pharisees thought Jesus was wrong.  

You fail to examine by the Spirit of God those things I speak.

You just puff yourself up against me because I state the following which I believe God showed me to do when I write:  Joan Boney ... apostle/prophet

In almost each epistle of Paul, he identified himself as "an apostle", not by the will of man but by the will of God.

What I do is not by my own will, nor by the will of man, but by my faith in believing it is God who showed me to do this.  

(Certainly God will judge whether or not HE sent me to speak these things.  By faith I have to speak what I believe to be from God. ) 

Your action against me through the years damns you ... but I hope not for all eternity.

You once told me you believed I am a Christian, but you didn't see how I could be one.

Apparently you do not understand being born again by the Spirit of God.

However, if you believed I was a Christian, you should not have hinted to others that I am evil.  This is your own judgment of me, not God's.  But these things should not be done by a person who calls herself a Christian which I would think you would do concerning yourself.

If you do not repent, and focus on yourself and what you are doing, how can you be saved?

Hopefully God will open your eyes with this for you must not die in this condition, and at 96 you should know you do not have long left on the earth.

