Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Careful to maintain good works

Joan Boney ... apostle/prophet

The apostle Paul instructs:

Titus 3 ... 8 This is a faithful saying, and these things I will that thou affirm constantly, that they which have believed in God might be careful to maintain good works. These things are good and profitable unto men.
9 But avoid foolish questions, and genealogies, and contentions, and strivings about the law; for they are unprofitable and vain.

We are not saved by "good works" ... but Paul instructs us to be careful (be diligent to do this, not letting it slip) ... to maintain "good works"

I spent time considering:  What are good works for me?

Works vary according to our gift and our calling.

There are natural good works:  Helping mate and neighbor.  Caring for your own children.  Caring for those in need when they come across your path and when you see a need.

It is important to do what you see to do, not putting it off, not letting it slip.

You might be in a position to speak a real word of encouragement ... When I say real word, I mean real, not something contrived to make people feel better but something meaningful, from your heart.  Don't allow that to slip!

Be careful to maintain good works.


In considering what is a "good work" for me, of course it is a good work for me to exhort the church since that is my calling from God and also my spiritual gift.  It is very important, and I do carefully maintain that, spending time in Bible, sharing to build up myself and others in the Word of God, in the faith.  I speak to edification, to exhortation, to comfort depending upon the need of the individual.

- edification is to build spiritually

- exhortation is to urge earnestly by advise and warning

- comfort is to speak true words of God upon which one can safely depend

I have done this since being called by God in 1975.  I have tried to do such daily ... keeping in mind that it is important to speak ... reprove, rebuke, exhort ... with all longsuffering and doctrine.

- reprove:  to encourage individuals to prove what they are doing, thus "re-prove" to themselves that they are really going the way of God in what they do on this earth.

- rebuke:  to drive them back from their own works when I see such and turn them to works of God.

- exhort:  to urge earnestly by advice and by warning as needed, when I see something dangerous

The day I was studying Titus 3 and focused on being careful to maintain good works, I received a call from an eye-care center where my new prescription for eye glass lenses was being filled.  The call said my glasses were ready.  So I went to pick them up.  Then I went nearby to pick up some tape from Office Max, and since Pet Smart was next door I went to pick up food for my cat.

As I left Pet Smart, I considered going to grocery to pick up jelly and milk which I had run out of, but then I recalled the scripture I had been studying that morning telling me to be careful to maintain good works ... I decided to return home and write this exhortation and then later tonight I can go to Wal-mart and pick up the jelly and milk.

I think this is an example of being careful to maintain good works.  I know this scripture rose up inside me to direct my way at this point in time.


You might have other "good works" ...

Those must be cared for diligently and must not be neglected.

Think about what you believe God has "called" you to do or of the spiritual gifts you have been given.  Think about the way you are attending to such.  Add diligence to that work, not allowing it to slip, not allowing yourself to be drawn away from doing such.  Paying no heed to spirits that would discourage you from the work.  Trusting in God and going forward in the work that you believe to be from God.

It takes strength, determination, steadfastness to continue in the work of God ... and it requires real discipline on our part ... and it is very helpful to feel you really know from God what HE wants you to do. 

There are many things that seem good that would pull us off the work given us by God.

The only thing that matters is the work given us by God... and this is something each of us have to determine for ourselves, with faith that God will reveal it to us about ourselves.

Even in the period of time 5 years ago, when I was in a re-hab hospital due to an accident, I never stopped exhorting the church.  There were many individuals in that hospital that I spoke with concerning things of God.

Wherever I am, the work is there.  I know what God has revealed to me and I go forward speaking that and sharing that way of God wherever I am.   As long as I am conscious I'm in a position to do the work and that is what I do and what I want to do.  That is what matters to me.

You are responsible for your work, for that which God has given you to do.  Again, it takes attention and determination and discipline.