Monday, September 10, 2018

Psalm 58

7   The wicked are estranged from the womb: they go astray as soon as they be born, speaking lies.

(It is the nature of man to speak lies.  Until we are born of the Spirit of God we go astray by the nature of our own flesh and by ideas from devils.)  

8   Their poison is like the poison of a serpent: they are like the deaf adder that stoppeth her ear;

Comments by Joan Boney:   apostle/prophet

When I read verse 8, of above scripture, I thought of a woman who appears in my life every few months.  When I begin to speak of how God has helped me, I can tell she deliberately "shuts her ears", not wanting to hear what God has done.  

(I prayed for God to keep her away from me.  I know God can do this, causing her to go another way when she thinks of trying to come to "visit" me, because she wants nothing of God and when I begin speaking of that which God has done, she deliberately shuts her ears and stops listening.  I can tell she is doing this.)


Also there are people who are helpful to your flesh but evil when you try to share marvels of God with them.

God once told me:  "Just focus on that which she does well."

She does cleaning well.  When I focused on that, there was no problem.

I stopped sharing things of God with this woman.

Then something secular happened and it was good.  I tried to share that secular good with this woman, but the evil in her turned the good to evil.

I saw this and was grieved.

(thorns & thistles)

But I brought the trouble onto myself by trying to share good with her, even secular good.  For evil is in her heart.

I didn't realize I couldn't even share secular good with her.


There are other people who are just as bad another way.  They are like "gospel groupies", clinging to you, draining you of every possible word.  But they never improve or grow in things of God.  I can't stand being around these people either.

We have to live in peace.  When they continually steal peace from you, then it won't work to be around those people.  I had 2 cousins that way.

Paul described some as "ever learning but never able to come to the knowledge of the truth."  II Timothy 3:7


One very assuring thing to me is I know God has HIS ways to turn them away from me when the idea comes to them to talk with me.  For often these ideas and their own desire is of flesh and devils.

Psalm 58:9    Before your pots can feel the thorns, HE shall take them away as with a whirlwind.

Thorns and thistles will only hurt you if they are allowed to touch your soul.


Commit yourself to God.  Trust in God for your protection.  God is your shield.

Follow the Word God gives you and continue in that Word.

The Word restores your soul, keeps you, protects you.  Follow HIM, The Word.


Psalm 59:16  But I will sing of Thy power (that which God is doing by HIS Word); yea, I will sing aloud of Thy mercy (The Word) in the morning: for Thou (The Word) hast been my defence and refuge in the day of my trouble.

Put yourself around those to whom you can safely speak things being done by God.
