Monday, September 11, 2017

In the last days men will be lovers of their own selves

Joan Boney ... apostle/prophet

In August 2017, I had surgery for cataracts.

The morning after the surgery, about 20 of us who had surgery the previous day reported outside the doctor's office waiting for the door to the building to be unlocked.  We were all given 8:00 am appointment times.

People were just standing (and sitting) there saying nothing  at all.  I was sitting by a woman and I asked her if she had eye operation yesterday.  She replied "Yes" but no interest in talking to me.  But I asked her if she had any pain and she said "No" ... still no human interest in her.  Then I asked her if she could see through eye ... she replied "No" ... then she came a little alive and said she could see well through her other eye which had been previously operated on.

I was thinking of this the following day and was reminded of how self interested people are, caring about their own selves.

Then I realized the Bible says this is a characteristic of last days.
