Tuesday, August 25, 2020

* Keeping scripture before us.

It can be helpful to make screen prints of portions of scripture on the blog when you want to get those verses rooted more deeply in you.

Recently I came across scripture in one of the writings and I felt I needed to view it daily for a season.

I made a screen print on my Kindle tablet which placed it on my Kindle photos where I keep scripture upon which I want to meditate.


Making screen prints from your Kindle tablet or i-phone.

1. On your Kindle tablet, pull up page of Bible or page of blog which you want to copy onto your Photos in your tablet.

2. On top of your tablet, you will find 3 buttons.   Press down the right and the left buttons simultaneously and hold down until a photo briefly appears on screen before flying away.

Then the screen print automatically appears in your Kindle Photos. 
