Sunday, March 26, 2023

πŸ’₯ Will God help us in those things that are authored by HIM, even when they seem little?


We've been publishing ministry books on Amazon since 2015.  This past month, we published a new book, "Doing the Word of God."

This was book #20 in our "Life in Christ" series.

Amazon put a heading showing portions of our first 3 books of the series followed by showing the book cover and details for each of the twenty books, as follows.

We really liked this lay out.  

But one day later, it disappeared.

What happened?  Pam called to see why it was no longer showing.  It was a small technicality.  But sometimes things so small never get corrected.  They said it might take some time to get it restored.  

I began praying!  "Please God, get this listing of our books restored by Amazon in the new design.  And cause it to happen quickly".

In approximately fifteen minutes the lay out was back!  I thanked God.

This mattered very much to me and God cares about those things that matter to me (to us).

So pray, even when it seems little.
