Joan Boney ... apostle/prophet
Mt. 6 ... Jesus says ... 33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.
How do we seek the kingdom of God and HIS righteousness?
This has to do with finding out what God wants us to do today in the specific issues of life.
First, we pray ... asking God what HE wants us to do about "this" matter.
We read Bible.
We meditate daily on specific verses from Bible.
We restructure our life based on the instruction given in these verses. For example, Jesus said: Mt. 6 ... 34 Take therefore no thought for the morrow:for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof. Every time we find ourselves thinking of something that is for "tomorrow" we can stop and return to the instruction given by Jesus and pray about "tomorrow" and set it aside with the help given by God. It is a deliberate act that we will need to do over and over to do the instruction of Jesus.
All these acts are seeking the will of God ... seeking the kingdom of God ... seeking HIS righteousness (seeking what is right in the sight of God in the matter at hand).
It takes a deliberate, discipline act to do this. And we must continue doing this daily as long as we live on this present earth.
Jesus said ... "Few" would find the way of life and many would go in the way of destruction. Mt. 7
There is a "labour" to enter into HIS rest (Heb. 4) ... and that labor involves keeping that instruction of the Word before us day and night and making it a part of us by doing what it says and by continuing to do it.
This probably accounts for the "few" who would find it way of life for it is a labor to do such. It takes daily focus, constant determination, and discipline. It is a work.
Great rewards await those who will live this way on this earth ...