Friday, March 18, 2016

Begging preachers ... a terrible thing to see ...

Joan Boney ... apostle/prophet

So many preachers today are beggars and extortioners ... "in the name of Jesus" ... saying they have to go all over world to preach the gospel and expecting you to pay for their trip.

Jesus said in the last days, "many will come in my name saying I am Christ and will deceive many."  Mt. 24

I often receive letters from men claiming to be pastors.  Perhaps these men are pastors.  I have no way to know.  They are usually from Africa or India.  (Maybe the call of God is on some of their lives but I do know this.  If they are begging us for money and teaching materials, they are just copying other evil pastors who go in fleshly ways as they try to "accomplish" the work they think is of God.)

I ask God what HE would have me say before responding to their emails.  Usually there will be one daily.

Sometimes there is no response and I just delete the email.  

For most who ask for money or "teaching" materials, I direct them to the free materials you see on this blog.  I also tell them the books are now available on in both paperback and Kindle versions.

When they ask me for teaching materials, I suspect they are expecting to receive a big box of papers shipped to their doorstep without them having to lift a finger.

This ought not to be.

When we trust in God, we do not expect humans to supply our needs.

Here is a letter I wrote yesterday to one of these men.  He had contacted me asking for teaching materials.  I told him to contact and he could purchase 1 book and read that book a portion at a time to his congregation.  He said he decided to do that.  I asked God what HE would have me say to this man and here is the letter I wrote to this man.


I know ships books to India for someone bought one recently...I think they ship all over world. 

As I told you before they do not give me any books. I have to buy my own books...but you need to learn to buy your own things.

So many people in India and Africa are beggars.

That shouldn't be for people who belong to God.

David said... I have never seen the righteous forsaken nor HIS seed begging bread.

When we belong to God HE supplies for us so that we can buy that which we need.

I think years ago the missionaries did much harm in teaching people in those nations to expect to get everything for free. That is not a way of God. 
This is a bad thing.

I'm glad to see that you're willing to try to go another way.

Another thing you mentioned how hard it was to get into the town where you could contact and how many miles (10k) you had to travel the Bible it says God yoke is easy and his burden is light ...if that is a hard burden for you then don't do it ... Pray and tell God how hard this is, and if HE doesn't make it easy for you to deal with this, then you are going a wrong way ...don't do it... learn to have your source be God not other humans and you will be blessed by God.

It is such a lack of faith to expect human beings to be our provision... God should be the one who supplies all our needs... often we think we need something and we try to go out somehow and get it or get someone to give it to us and it shouldn't be that way for people of God.

If God doesn't supply it for us and we can't afford to pay for it, then we should accept that we really don't need it... even in teaching supplies ...use the Bible...share the word as it comes to your mind...person to on one...if you have a word to share,share where you live.

We go all over the world and preach the gospel continually daily through books and through emails and by Internet .  We do everything we can possibly do sharing the word that God has given us faithfully.
but if the way was not there to share the word, I wouldn't be out there asking people to give me money to enable me to share the word

God has always been my supply.

If God wants me to share it, HE makes the way for me to share it... and I don't have to become a beggar.  So many ministers in USA are beggars...this is wrong.

I hope this is something that you will put in your life.

Abraham said he wouldn't even take a shoe latchet from the king of Sodom. Abraham wanted his wealth to come from God

Long ago I adopted that same plan.

If God wants me to do the work then a way to do the work will be there.

Apparently God wants me to speak all over the world because the way is open for me to do it through internet and now through books.

I don't have to ask you for money so I can speak the word of God.

I don't have to expect you to supply anything for me.

God has supplied it for me ...this is the way the ministry should operate...

There is no place in the Bible where a minister asked the people to pay for him to be able to go out and preach the gospel.
He preached the gospel in the areas where he lived ...
simple ...Jesus didn't have to do that either. Jesus never went out and asked people for money.
Learn to live by these Bible principles and if you could do that you'll be greatly blessed.

If you decide to order book, here is doesn't matter which book you order...they are all wonderful for they show God.

Joan Boney