Friday, March 25, 2016

Sharing: Things God has done for us

From Brother Joseph:

It is a pleasure to let you know that I have been to your website and have been so much attracted to learn more for our spiritual groth here.  Indeed it is good work done and you are going to be a blessing to many who have not seen the light especially here in Kenya and other parts of the world.

We fellowship group leader that has not yet got established to have a well defined procedure of church worship.  We merely meet for praise songs and prayers.  It will be indeed wonderful for God to get us through to HIS chosen servants through whom to grow spiritually.  I hope we shall find room in your mansion and from here get to truly worship our Lord in the right way and procedure.

Brother Joseph


To: Brother Joseph & Mogambi Church
 From:  Joan Boney  

Brother Joseph:

Begin by doing this ... The next time you gather at the church ask if anyone has anything they would share that God has done for them to help them this week.

You say you have prayer ... ask if anyone has an answer to a specific prayer and have them share that.

Ask if anyone has a word from the Lord and have them share that.

Ask if anyone has had anything that God has taught them this week ... Have them share that with the Group.

If anyone has had a dream that has instruction in it or comforted them, have them share that.

If anyone has read Bible and was helped by a scripture, invite them to share that scripture.

And I would like very much to hear any examples shared after you ask these things so if you can, send me an email and tell me what happened.

The object for anyone of us in the church is to share what God has done for us and what God has told us in situations of this life.  This increases our own faith and it increases the faith of others in the church.

Please let me hear from you and let me know the things that people shared concerning God.

You seem to have internet at your church group.  If so you could share with me daily and I could share with you by internet daily.

I would really like to do that if you have time to.

Joan Boney


From Joan Boney:

This is a story of how God helped me in the midst of a rebuke that came by email from a man who says he is a pastor.

These are things God showed me as a result of this rebuke

He said, "We have 2 Holy Sacraments in the NT Church."

The Holy Spirit said to me, "The word 'sacrament' is not in the Bible."

I went to Bible and checked this and found the word 'sacrament' is not in the KJV Bible.

The Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Truth, spoke truth immediately ... no such thing as "sacrament" in the New Testament church.

Also no such thing as "2" of this.

Holy Spirit says:  Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.  Mt. 4:4 

The Holy Spirit brought God's truth about the subject and comforted me in the attack brought by this man.