Monday, April 13, 2020

* Remembering to pray

Proverbs 3:6   In all thy ways acknowledge HIM, and HE shall direct thy paths.

A few examples:

* Awaken talking to God:  "Please fill my day with things You want me to do."

* When we go to grocery store, "God, please help me to purchase those items which I should eat.  Please help me not to purchase unneeded item."

* If signs of physical problem arise:  "Please show me what to do about this, if anything.  If I do need doctor, please show me."  (Consult God first.)

* When I'm planning to see another person:  "Please, God, let me speak only what YOU want me to speak.  Please do not let me speak anything I shouldn't speak."

These prayers seem so simple and obvious but how often do we approach our daily lives this way, asking God even when we don't realize we need any help.  

Learn to involve God in our lives.  Remember to ask God for HIS wisdom.
