Thursday, May 19, 2016

Dreams From God: Chapter 8-9 / Book available at

Joan Boney ... apostle/prophet

God Warns Us Through Dreams

I know of a woman who had a dream concerning her grandson. She dreamed he was in motorcycle accident and was killed. She told her daughter and they promised the boy (who was college age) would no longer ride motorcycle.

A few months later, the boy was killed on motorcycle.

He continued to ride the motorcycle after his grandmother reported the dream.

God Showing Through Dreams What Other People Are Doing

I have had many times when God has given me dreams to show me what other persons are doing.

There is a young woman, who was like a daughter to me. I loved her very much. God gave me two shocking dreams to show me what she was doing and to warn me. In one dream, she was very deformed, like a dwarf. She was walking down a hallway and could hardly walk she was so fat and she was very short. I knew God was showing me to leave her alone. I was given 3 or 4 dreams about her and in the dreams she just kept getting worse. In one dream, I was speaking Bible and things of God and behind my back she threw up her hands in disgust over what I was sharing from the Bible.

I had several dreams about another woman, who was in our church group for more than 30 years. In four of these six dreams, I was shown she was getting worse. Several months passed and I was shown her in a dream where I felt it was telling me in the end she was going to be okay. Then I had another dream which seemed to show she was back with us helping me.

These books are available in Kindle version and paperback from 
Type Joan Boney in the Amazon search box to purchase these books

(We are allowed by Amazon under our publication agreement to post a portion of each book as a sample. If you would like to have the book, you can purchase it from Amazon.)

(Also available in paperback)