Saturday, July 9, 2022

Podcast: Example 2: Spiritual gift of faith. (I Cor. 12:9)

When I was a new Christian in 1975, I owned a small business in Dallas, Texas in American Indian Arts.

At that time the Dallas Morning News asked me to write an article concerning the purchase of Indian Arts and how the customer could be certain the item they were purchasing was genuine.

I did write the article.

A few weeks later, a man filed a law suit against me and several other dealers charging us with conspiring to keep him from doing business in Dallas.

It was so ridiculous that I tossed the legal papers to a corner of a shelf in my office and went on with my normal business activities.

Then all of a sudden a few days later I realized that if I ignored this legal matter, that man could get judgment against me and take all of the merchandise from my shop.

I hired a lawyer.

A court date was scheduled.  But several weeks passed and I began receiving legal bills from my attorney.  It got to the point that I knew I would spend all the money I had to pay my own lawyer.

I'm sure I prayed asking God what I should do about this.


I was led to a scripture in the Bible and an unusual faith came upon me.  

In this Podcast, I will share what I did.

It was a faith that allowed me to do things that I don't think I could have done on my own.

I believe I was given a spiritual gift of faith to deal with this matter.

I Corinthians 1:9  To another (is given) faith by the same Spirit;
