Wednesday, June 17, 2020

* A warning from God to stay away from that person who is deceptive or hypocritical.

Joan Boney ... apostle/prophet of Jesus after the resurrection, for the ministry of the New Testament church as per Ephesians 4:11-12.

Prophets are used by God to warn the church and to correct the church.


In the last days, deception will be rampant on this earth.

II Timothy 3:13   But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.

In speaking of the end time, Jesus even said to us:  "Take heed that no man deceive you."  Matthew 24:4


- a person who tries to make you think something that is not true to gain some personal advantage.
- trick, mislead, delude, fool  outwit, misguide, lead on, ensnare, entrap, beguile, con, 
- deceive implies imposing a false idea or belief
- mislead by a false  appearance or statement, delude
- deceive is like taking a person on a journey in the wrong direction
- deceive is to give one the impression of something that is not true

Deception is usually for the purpose of gaining some personal advantage.

People often say they are Christians when they do not follow the Spirit of God.


* A real estate sales woman, wanted to represent a house I had which was for-sale in Texas.  When I decided to go with another agent, she said, "I don't know that Johnny will be the best person for you."  (Trying to plant a seed in me against Johnny.)  But I went with Johnny as agent and the house sold in 2 days.  This woman even said to me that she "knew" God had "ordained her" to handle this house. (She called herself a Christian.)

* A car salesman tried to keep me from going to drive another car by telling me those cars did not last as long as his car.  (I just did not believe this.)

* Concerning this car salesman, I told him I would call him from the other dealer after I drove the car and tell him which I liked better.  He was horrified at this idea for some reason and said, "OH NO, don't do  that!"  I told him there was absolutely nothing wrong with doing that.  He backed down.  I could tell there was something wrong inside this salesman. (He called himself a Christian.)

* In 2003, I dated a man who called himself a Christian.  But he had no interest in Bible or things of God.

* A pastor told something concerning Bible as if it were fact, when he knew it was not in the Bible.  He tried to deceive me,  but when I asked him where that was in Bible, he said he couldn't remember.  I asked him  to look it up and ask his secretary to call me and tell  me.  He became very angry and said:  "All right.  It's not in the Bible."  (It was clear pastor knew all the time that it was not in the Bible.  He tried to deceive me and his congregation who heard him say this.)  Twice I've seen pastors do this exact same thing.

* A deacon in a Baptist Church tried to get me to have sex with him by saying, "God knows we need sex."

This deacon was married.

I took Bible and read following to him:

I Corinthians 7:2   to avoid fornication, let every man have his own wife, and let every woman have her own husband.

I Corinthians 6:18   Flee fornication. Every sin that a man doeth is without the body; but he that committeth fornication sinneth against his own body.


James 3:17   But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, and easy to be intreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality, and without hypocrisy.

hypocrisy:  play acting, pretending one thing while believing or doing another thing.

I've often seen people, who say they are Christians, do things or say things I knew were hypocritical.

Jesus is saying:  "Take note of what they say or do.  Avoid them when you see signs of hypocrisy or deception.  Do not visit with them or keep company with them.  And do explain away that which they said or did. It shows you to avoid that person."

It is not that they made a mistake.  They are deceptive!  It is in their heart, thus it came out of their mouth.
