Saturday, December 12, 2020

God knows all things and how to help us with even the smallest problems

(Pam Padgett ... member of the body of Christ)

A few days ago my 2-month old laptop computer suddenly stopped working.  It would not turn on when I pressed the power button as I had done in the past.  

I like this laptop very much and I told God I hoped I wouldn't need to send it for repair or to wait for a replacement.  

(Philippians 4:6   Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.)

This is a Microsoft Surface laptop, and I had the thought to call Microsoft Support, which I did.  

The man who answered my call told me to hold the power button down for 20 seconds.  When I did this, the laptop started.  What a relief!  

He ran several diagnostics on the laptop and said everything looked fine now.  

But the next day when I tried to make a copy of a screen using the "PrtScn" button, nothing happened.  

(This is something I do every day in preparing the next day's blog, but that day it would not copy the screen.)  

I was bewildered and talked with God about this.
I assumed I would need to call Microsoft Support again, but when I woke the next morning it was clearly in my mind to look on the internet to see if anyone else had reported this problem.  

I did this and saw some suggestions to fix the problem, some of which including holding the function key.  
When I finally found the function key (the "Fn" key) on my keyboard, I noticed there was a little light on the key which was turned on.  I didn't remember seeing this little light before and I simply pressed the key to turn the light off.  Then I tried to use the PrtScn button, and it worked!  Evidently this light had been turned on accidentally while the various diagnostics were being done the day before. 

I laughed at how simply this was resolved and marveled in God, that HE knows even something as small as a little light on a single key on a keyboard, and that HE knew how to draw my attention to the problem.  