Wednesday, December 15, 2021

* When going to a medical doctor as a Christian.

Comments by Joan Boney:

Each time I go to a medical doctor, I pray for God to show me first if I need to go to doctor.  

As I wait to hear from God, and when I feel led by God to go to doctor, I am usually reminded to pray the following:

"Please don't allow doctor to do more to me than is needed."

Also I pray for God to have me speak only that which HE wants spoken.


Yesterday, I went to a new eye doctor.

For more than 20-years, I have been treated by doctors for a mild case of Glaucoma.  I've often been told by doctors that the important thing is to use prescribed drops daily to control the eye pressure and to have the eye pressure checked yearly.  

And I have done this for more than 20-years.

With this new doctor, I had an agreement before going to him that I would not take any longer the test called "Field Test".  

This test supposedly shows range of vision and whether you have lost any vision. This test has always troubled me because it shows any loss of vision,  but it was explained to me that there is nothing they can do to restore that vision.  So I had always wondered why they would require this test if there was no treatment for that vision loss.

This current doctor said primarily they require this test because of Medicare.  Then he said there is no reason for me to continue to take this test since I am over 80-years-old.

Then I learned from him that if a patient does not take the test Medicare will not pay for that test.  So they make more money from Medicare if the patient takes the test.

The Holy Spirit in us guides us into all truth.  Now I felt I had the truth on this issue.  And I thanked God for keeping doctor from doing that which was not medically needed for my situation.

I left previous eye doctor because his office staff told me they would no longer prescribe the eye drops, which I think I might need, unless I took the Field Test.

Pam Padgett had called 3 other eye doctors who told her I had the option not to take the Field Test.

When I broke a hip due to a fall at my house in 2018, before surgery, the nurse showed me a paper and told me that patients have "right of refusal" concerning both medicines and treatments.

Remember I prayed that they wouldn't do anything to me except what I really needed.

I have prescription reading glasses but I don't use them for I also have over the counter glasses through which I see well in reading.

I explained this to doctor and he examined both pairs of glasses and he told me I might even see better with the over the counter glasses since I use them for laptop computer and that distance might even make the over the counter glasses work better for me.

But doctor's assistant had her desk at the area where they sell eye glass frames and she skillfully asked me if I wanted to consider new frames.

I looked at a pair of frames but knew I liked the over the counter frames better so I declined.

She scheduled my next eye appointment for 5 months away from yesterday.

Doctor had mumbled when saying to me that next appointment should be 6 "to 8" months away.

I am planning to reschedule the appointment for 11 months knowing that I just do not need the earlier appointment.

I thanked God for escaping 3 areas which I do not need.

Doctor gave me a renual prescription for the eye drops which are standard treatment for Glaucoma. 
