Wednesday, October 9, 2024

πŸ’₯ BOOK: Chapter 7: Overcoming Through God When Dealing With Cancer by Pam Padgett

After the initial follow-up test procedures were completed and no cancer found, the medical people wanted to run the tests again in 3-4 months. 
Before the next tests, however, thoughts began coming to my mind that to have these tests showed "a lack of faith." 
The thoughts that came to my mind reasoned such things as: 
... If I really believed it was God who showed me to have chemotherapy with radiation, I wouldn't need to have these tests 
... And what about the open vision given to Joan Boney in which she saw a mass with 3 parts on the wall, then there was a "swoosh" sound, and the mass disappeared, the 3 parts falling in on each other. Joan felt this had to do with my cancer 
... And there was also the dream in which I was shown no disease would be found. 
If I believed these things were of God, why did I need to have tests done? 
But when I turned to God about having the tests, each time HE confirmed to me in some way to have the tests done
One example was in December, 2023. I had been praying about whether to schedule the next round of tests and was given a dream.  In this dream there was blood in my urine. Either in the dream or as I woke from the dream, I strongly felt I should have the tests done. 
I assumed this dream was showing there was going to be a serious problem found. But when the test procedures were done in February and March, 2024, no cancer or problem was found. 
Then after tests were done in September, 2024, I came to believe I was being shown something different by the dream. 
After those tests, the urologist explained that although there is no evidence of cancer or any other serious condition in my bladder, because of the radiation therapy, the blood vessels in my bladder are more prone to bleeding. As a result, I might see blood in my urine at times. He told me what to do if this happened. 
He also said everything looked so good that follow-up cystoscopies ("scope" procedures) needed to be done only yearly
This was so helpful to me because every once in a while a thought would come telling me that I was going to see blood in my urine, as if this was a serious problem like with the cancer. There was a sense of panic and I would cry out to God asking that HE not let that happen. 
After receiving this information from the urologist, that is no longer a concern. 
Devils have tried to stop me from having follow-up test procedures.  But when I turned to God each time, HE led me to have the tests. 
The test results continue to witness to what God has done in leading me in how to treat the cancer, and being delivered from the cancer.  They also show fulfillment of the open vision Joan was given and the dream I was given. 
In addition, these tests gave an opportunity for the urologist to give me information which has eliminated some fears brought by devils. 
John 10:10  The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I (Jesus, the Word from God) am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly. 
