Saturday, February 8, 2020

Podcasts: Episodes 1 & 2 (Now Available)

Click on "Podcasts: Recordings & Scriptures" ... right side of home page ... to hear the recordings and to see each scripture presented in the podcast.

Episode 1: Free to sin or freedom from sin? 

* Bringing blessing upon yourself and your family as you choose the way of God presented to us in the Bible.

* What does the Bible tell us about divorce and remarriage?
* Antichrist in the churches today.
* What Paul tells us showing the reason for all the denominations in churches today.
* Homosexuals and lesbians: What the Bible says.


Episode 2:  Sexual sins in today's churches.

* Do you really think there is safety in the church group?  in the singles classes at churches?
* It is critical to teach your children what we are told in I Corinthians 6:16 ... at the time of sexual intercourse the two people become one flesh, even if one of them is a prostitute.

* We have to awaken to these dangers, and especially to teach our children that they cannot assume safety just because the other person is in the church group. 
