Tuesday, December 18, 2018

God Showing Through Dreams What Other People Are Doing

Book:  Dreams From God
Chapter 9
Joan Boney ... apostle/prophet 

I have had many times when God has given me dreams to show me what other persons are doing.

There is a young woman, who was like a daughter to me. I loved her very much. God gave me two shocking dreams to show me what she was doing and to warn me. In one dream, she was very deformed, like a dwarf. She was walking down a hallway and could hardly walk she was so fat and she was very short. I knew God was showing me to leave her alone. I was given 3 or 4 dreams about her and in the dreams she just kept getting worse. In one dream, I was speaking Bible and things of God and behind my back she threw up her hands in disgust over what I was sharing from the Bible.

I had several dreams about another woman, who was in our church group for more than 30 years. In four of these six dreams, I was shown she was getting worse. Several months passed and I was shown her in a dream where I felt it was telling me in the end she was going to be okay. Then I had another dream which seemed to show she was back with us helping me.


BOOK: Dreams From God
Chapter 9

Joan Boney

E-book: $.99
Paperback: $4.99
(USA Prices)

Order from: Amazon.com
