Monday, September 9, 2024

πŸ’₯ Writing scripture and carrying it in my pocket so I can meditate on that scripture throughout the day to gain power of God to do that scripture and I live on this earth. Getting that scripture to live inside me.

Comments by Joan Boney:
The power of God comes as we are led by the Holy Spirit, who lives in us, to do a verse of scripture.
Joshua 1:8  This book of the law (scriptures and other words given to us by the Holy Spirit of God) shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success.
(God says:)

9 Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the LORD thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest.


I collect verses of scripture and write verses out on Post-it-Notes when I find some verse that I want to apply to my life.  Then I put these notes into my dress pocket so I can look at them and get them deeper into my heart and perhaps even do what the verses says when I am confronted with the issue.
(I use 2 sizes of Post-it-Notes:)

On the larger size Post-it-note, I put blank notes  back to back, then I can use the back side to extend scripture from side one if I run out of space, see page 2 (above).
(I'm almost 87 years old.  Both of my wrists have been broken but I find if I print it helps me in a to do physical therapy with my wrists, making my fingers to shape the letters a little better.  Also this would be helpful, I think, for people who have had strokes.  It is sort of like in elementary school when our teachers were teaching us to write.  I recall we printed and they encouraged us to use the lines to try to make our letters the same size.  Also it causes us to go SLOWER and that helps me.)
(Comments by Pam Padgett:)
When I was in college (about 50 years ago) I was led by God to write scriptures drawn to my attention on a piece of paper, fold the paper so it would fit in my pocket, and keep that paper with me so I could easily review the scriptures throughout the day and evening.  I've done this most of my life since then and find it extremely helpful.  When I was working, many days were very busy.  But when waiting for a meeting to start or when I went to the bathroom, it was so easy to take the paper from my pocket and review a few scriptures.  I've recently started doing this again, and still find it helpful.  

Also, for me, I find I think about what the scripture is saying as I write it out, not reading quickly and possibly skipping over part of it as I might otherwise do.  So the process of writing out a scripture helps me really consider the scripture, which I feel helps get the scripture in my heart and mind. 
(JB ... A few days ago, Pam had to go to doctor for a follow up report after a cat-scan.  The 2 dogs and I rode with her and sat in the car while she went into hospital.
It was an unusually long wait.  I took my notes out of my pocket and began reading the scriptures that I had accumulated. I found this to be very helpful.
Sometimes I will read scriptures while watching TV during muted commercials.)