Sunday, September 15, 2019

Iniquity abounds, but we must endure until the end

Book:  Exhortations For The Church
Vol. 12, Preface
Joan Boney ... apostle/prophet 

Do you remember the fire you had for things of God when you were first born again?

I do.

All I could even think about was God, Jesus, Bible, church.

It is like the fleshly fire of that first mate ... when you fell  in love.

Keeping that relationship with God throughout all the years that follow is important.

And as we grow closer to the return of Jesus, we are warned by Jesus as follows:

Matthew 24:12-13    And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold. But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.

As the iniquity of this world grows, we might find that our love for the Word of God has diminished from that love we had at the beginning.

This simply means we need to put extra effort into Bible reading and the reading of godly exhortations.

For this reason, we present daily exhortations on our blog:  Jesus Ministries Exhortations

And godly exhortations are presented to the church in these books so we can keep the faith in God before us day and night and renew our thinking from the ungodly way of this present world.

Joan Boney


BOOK: Exhortations For The Church, Volume 12

Joan Boney

E-book: $.99
Paperback: $6.99
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