I Peter 2
We develop faith by our experience with God and also by the way we handle scripture.
Pam Padgett told me this last night:
many years when a scripture would be called to my attention or stood
out to me when reading the Bible, I would write that scripture out on a
piece of paper which I kept in my pocket. When
I would be in the bathroom or at work waiting for a meeting to start or
walking the dogs, I would take the piece of paper out of my pocket and
go over some of these scriptures. I kept adding scriptures to this piece of paper until it was full, then start another piece of paper. Since
having a smart-phone, which I keep with me most of the time, I have
started keeping scriptures on it so I can review them easily.
I always want the scripture to become a part of me, not just something I know in my mind, but something that is part of me.
was different from the others who were in our church group. She had
faith like I have. I always wondered why. I had been taken into heaven
twice so I had a very big advantage, but Pam didn't have that type of
thing happen like I did. Yet we were the same.
Now I know. We were handling scripture the same way, making those verses to be a part of us.
Joshua 1:8 This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success.