Monday, September 30, 2024

πŸ’₯ Chapter 11: 1983: God warns me that I am in great danger and tells me exactly what to do.

Before I ever published a broadcast on radio, God told me to have my phone unlisted.

In 1980, it was much easier, I would think, to keep your address out of public view.  We had no Internet then.

God brought to my attention the following words of Jesus.

John 16
 They shall put you out of the synagogues: yea, the time cometh, that whosoever killeth you will think that he doeth God service.

3 And these things will they do unto you, because they have not known the Father, nor ME.

I did not like the isolation I felt after unlisting my telephone.

But I endured this.

Somehow during this period an older man found my address and showed up at my apartment.  He pounded on my door and insisted that I had a "word" for him.

I did not open the door.  I insisted he go away.  I called Don Genlino, Bible teacher at the church I attended, and he said, "Tell him to go away or I will come over and beat him up."

I was a little fleshly in my approach!  But this was my first experience with this problem.

I traveled a good deal in those days, having tours to 3 sections of the United States where I spoke to radio audiences.  My itinerary was published so people would know the exact city and days I would be in that city and where I was speaking and the exact times.
I did not register by my name in the hotel where I was staying.  I registered in my mother's name, Mildred Shepard.  (But even then, some would try to follow me to my hotel room after the meeting.)  

I traveled alone from Dallas to the radio cities.

During the judgment message period on radio when I had to speak of sins being committed by the "big-time" radio-TV ministers, God gave me a terrifying warning by dream.

In the dream, University of Texas was playing North Texas State, a laughable match up in football.  
The running back for North Texas had once been the Texas University #1 running back and was very skillful.  It was obvious that Texas would try to injure him on the first play.  
They lined up facing one another and the center snapped the ball and I heard these words:  "Don't go until you see Exodus 15."
The meaning of this dream was obvious to me:  I had been one of the main speakers in the Faith Movement.  God took me out of that church by a dream.  God even showed me in the dream that the message being spoken was gassing the people to death and if I remained in that group, I would be killed by the message that was being taught.
I was now speaking of the danger of the message taught in the Faith churches and I was teaching another message opposite to the Faith Movement.
By this dream, God told me not to go out to the meetings I had scheduled for the radio audiences in the 15 cities where I was broadcasting at that time ... approximately 1983.
Immediately I cancelled all meetings. 
I stayed in my apartment in Dallas alone and recorded radio broadcasts. I wasn't attending any church at that time because God, by a dream, had caused me to leave Word of Faith.  The isolation I endured was terrible.  The hate mail from church people that came to us was enormous.  Offerings disappeared because the church people hated the revelations God had given me.  I finally quit the radio stations which continued to allow me to broadcast.  I had no recording to make.  I missed it greatly.  A few people continued to send financial support.  I sent written exhortations to them by US Mail.  Later I recorded exhortations on cassette tape and sent a tape to one and that person sent the tape to another and the next to another like a library system. This started in 1983 and continued for the next twenty-nine-years.  It was terrible isolation.

During that time, I moved to the state where my mother lived and I built 2 apartments on a lot which we owned.  We lived there 5 years and I bought a lot on the golf course and a couple of years later built a house and moved my mother in with me into that house on the golf course.

It turned out this house building project would be used by God to finance my old age, because money accumulated each time I sold a house and built another house.  
I built 2 apartments and 2 houses during that period of time.


The last week of March, 2012, God gave me a dream which put me on Internet to exhort the church by a blog.  Jesus Ministries Exhortation.

I saw a scripture which caused me to publish daily  exhortations on the blog.

Hebrews 3:13-14  But exhort one another daily, while it is called To day; lest any of you be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin.  14 For we are made partakers of Christ, if we hold the beginning of our confidence stedfast unto the end.

Hebrews 10:25-27  And let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works: 25 Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.  26 For if we sin wilfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins, 

(These 2 scriptures encouraged me to be faithful to write daily exhorting the church by blog all over the world.)


In mid-year, 2015, I found we could self publish books (e-books and paperbacks) on Amazon. We began writing. (Pam Padgett doing all the technical work which allow us to publish.)  Amazon has a program where you are allowed to give away 5 e-books per 3-month period and we participate in that program.
So far we have published:
 Life In Christ series:
* Taking Thoughts Captive
* Faith In God
* Following God By His Spirit
* Dealing With Destructive Thoughts  
* Dreams From God  
Prayer To God
* The New Testament Church
* Promises From God To The Church
* Overcoming Through God
* Building Your House On The Word Of God
* Escaping The World God’s Way
* Great Is THY Faithfulness
* Preparing Yourself For The Return Of Jesus
* The Prophet In Today’s Church
* Righteousness, Prosperity, and Good Success
* Spiritual Warfare
* Dreams, Visions, Angels & The Holy Spirit
* Destruction In Today’s Churches
* Attending Church!
* Doing The Word of God 
* Overcoming Through God In Dealing With Cancer
* Exhortations For The Church (12 volumes)
God In HIS Image series:
* God In His Image, “My God would never do that!” … Really?
* Moses deals with Pharaoh 

* Holy Bible (KJV): New Testament

* Psalms: For The New Testament Church

* Faith Building Moments From The Old Testament and Today
And we have two more books coming out this year, 2024.
  *  Ministers are called by God from heaven  (Joan Boney)
  *  Going in the way of peace as we wait for the coming of Jesus (Joan Boney)


The first week of February, 2020, God gave me a dream showing me to begin exhorting the church on Podcasts.

I find this is so much better than radio.  We can publish broadcasts daily.  There is no limit on time of recordings.  Each recording is available in archive.  Podcasts only cost $100 per year to broadcast.

I'm currently almost 87 years old and am able to continue to publish blog, books, and Podcasts.  I haven't been out (except by Internet) since God said to me in 1983, "Don't go until you see Exodus 15."

God gives me many end time messages to help the church and me to be ready for the return of Jesus.  (I'm free to speak whatever I believe to be from God without being censored in any way.)

Joan Boney


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