Thursday, July 25, 2024

πŸ’₯ Pam Padgett: "What I believe"

I believe that God is, that HE exists.  
I believe that God created all things by HIS Word and that HE knows the end from the beginning.
I believe that the Word, Jesus, was in the world in the form of flesh for a time, and that HE died to pay for our sins, and then was resurrected by God.  I believe that Jesus is now at the right hand of God and intercedes for us.    

I believe we cannot be saved from our sins of ourselves, not of anything we or anyone else can do.  Our only hope is God and the way HE has provided, the redemption provided for us by the blood of HIS Son, Jesus. 
I believe the Holy Spirit of God is given to live inside each person who is called by God and believes the word given to us.    
I believe the Holy Spirit guides us, teaches us, convicts us of sin, reveals things of God to us, reminds us of what God has said, intercedes for us, comforts us.

I believe every word of God is true and right and never fails.  It will never pass away.

I believe that God doesn't leave me nor forsake me.  I can pray to God about all things and HE is able to get through to me and to help me, and that HE will do this.

I believe that God knows all things.  Nothing is hidden from God. 
I believe that the wisdom given to me by God is perfect, far better than what I or anyone else could come up with apart from God, and that I can ask God for HIS wisdom and HE will give it to me.  

I believe that nothing is impossible for God. 
I believe when we die we leave these bodies of flesh and are given spiritual bodies. 

I believe God will bring great tribulation on this earth and that this present world will be destroyed by God. 
I believe God creates a new heaven and a new earth where there is only righteousness, and there will be no sorrow, pain, death.  
I believe that Jesus will come in the clouds and send HIS angels to gather those who are HIS.  That the dead in Christ will rise first, and then those still alive, to meet Jesus in the air.  And that we will live forever with HIM.