Saturday, July 20, 2024

πŸ’₯ I lived during the "cold war" and the great fears people had concerning nuclear war but God kept me from such fears.

Comments by Joan Boney: 
I just watched several episodes of a Netflix production called:  The Turning Point:  The Bomb and The Cold War.
I recalled how I was never concerned over the many happenings that frightened the world during this time of the Bomb.  They talked about it all the time but I always knew it would not matter, it would come to nothing!  (I was not born again at the time, but I believe even then it was God showing me this truth.)
Things like "The Bay of Pigs" and "The Cuban Missile Crisis"  were to me like "water off a duck's back".  
They simply "weren't going to matter" though they gripped the whole world.
As I watched this series this week, I realized how God spared me during this time, Not allowing me to strain at gnats while swallowing camels.
Matthew 23:24 Ye blind guides, which strain at a gnat, and swallow a camel.
(I recall all the McCarthyism and the persecution of actors, actresses, screen writers and I always thought Senator McCarthy's pronouncements were nonsense and caused much grief without causeSome lives were ruined by these.)

Seeing this series of historical events of the period caused me to see how God was protecting me with HIS truth even during this period before I knew God.

God did not permit me to be consumed by these events.

And nothing happened during that much feared time!

Peace is ours! 

As we wait for Jesus to return, the apostle Peter says, "Wherefore, beloved, seeing that ye look for such things, be diligent that ye may be found of HIM in peace, without spot, and blameless."  (2 Peter 3:14)
Today many trouble themselves with politics, thinking presidents can keep us. Many rush to medical doctors when something touches their body.  It seems wise to humans, but I don't see it as wise.  It just troubles us when we do this.
But it is God who is in control.  HE sets up kings as HE wills and destroys as HE will in HIS time.  Our rest is in God when we belong to HIM.
(Though most trust in men.) 
They eat and drink certain foods based on wisdom of man and trouble themselves in many ways, thinking it wise to do so.
Recently I had a very severe pain in my left ear.  I couldn't get it under control so I went to Physician's Assistant.  She said I might be having heart attack.  They could give me an EKG.  "I thought about it ... and declined."  (That would just get me in a medical trap.)  As the medical appointment ended, the PA offered a second time to give me an EKG.  A second time I declined.
That would only trouble me.
God will either kill me or keep me alive.
So far, HE has kept me alive.
That is how I choose to live and die!  