Saturday, June 1, 2024

*** Podcast: Sometimes God will heal us even when we don't know we need to be healed!

Comments by Joan Boney:
On the day they announced the jury verdict on the Donald Trump trial, God brought me a healing concerning the way I felt about Donald Trump.
The morning of the last day of the trial before the jury verdict was announced something happened to me.  
That morning, all of a sudden it was as if a weight was lifted from inside me.
At first I didn't know what the subject was.  But I was so happy and free.  Then I realized it was concerning Donald Trump.
I'm a non-political person.  
As a child, my father said his father always told him "Stay out of politics and never take any of their give-aways."  
My mother and father did not vote and were not registered with either party.
The first time I was aware of the name "Donald Trump" was on a television weekly show where he fired someone each week.
I did not like the show and thought this man who was doing the firing to be very harsh and unpleasant.  I only saw him two or three times.
To show you how little I think about politics ... During the presidential election when Jimmy Carter was elected president, I was with my parents and one of them mentioned a man named "Jimmy Carter"I said, "Who'se Jimmy Carter?My parents were surprised I had not heard of him before, since he had just been elected President of the United States.
I'd never thought much about how our government works in USA but I do recall our elementary school teacher saying the reason it worked is the 2 party system provided a natural check and balance so not much happened.
Through the years, if a politician came on TV or if a news story came on about politics, I changed channels.
I never registered to vote except one time and that was because some of my friends when I was a young teacher were going to vote and they insisted I go with them.  They showed me the process and told me I had to register for one of two political parties.  I don't recall which one it was.  They told me which to register with.  It meant nothing to me at all. That was in sometime in the late 1950's.
I never voted again. 
I was born in 1937.  Presidents (and wars) came and went.  I usually knew their names but rarely listened to any of them them speak.
I was born again August 5, l975.
I continued my non interest in politics.
In 2016, there was a woman running for president.  I remember wondering if she were elected would they call her husband, "The first husband."
I recall hearing that "Donald Trump" was her opponent.
I kept thinking "Donald Duck"... remembering that "You're fired" TV program.
I never heard either of the candidates speak during the campaign. 
Again, I did not vote and I heard Donald Trump was elected.
When there was a press conference on TV, I began listening to some of that.  Mr. Trump shocked me when he began demeaning the female reporters who asked him question.  I especially recall a reporter named, "Connie Chung" because Mr. Trump seemed even more harsh with her.  I only listened to a few minutes of these during that first year Mr. Trump was president.  (I continued to think of "Donald Duck"  as president.)
I happened to be watching TV on January 6, 2020.  Some men were speaking to a mob of angry people.  Something was obviously going on, so I continued watching.  I heard Mr. Trump speak to them.  He was President at that time.  I didn't know what they were upset about.  But they were obviously mob angry.  Mr. Trump was stirring them up with his words.  And he was telling them they would have to march to the capitol building and he would be there behind them.  I watched them as they stormed the capitol and broke into the building.  It was a riot against the capitol, breaking windows and fighting back the police who were trying to keep them back.  They got inside and were calling out the name "Nancy" who they were hunting.  Later they had broken into some of the offices and some individuals were shown sitting at the office desks, one man with his feet up on the desk.  I saw the Secret Service hurrying Mike Pence downstairs to safety.  I knew this man was Vice-president of the United States.  Some of the mob were hunting him, and it appeared he was in danger from the mob.
I saw some of the mob in the assembly room of the building.  They were wandering around looking at the tables in the speaker's area.
Finally the news people explained the situation.  The mob had come to Washington DC at the request of President Trump who asked them to be there that day, January 6, 2020. 
The goal:  To stop the counting of electoral votes for President of the United States.
I've never see anything like this before in USA but it was obviously an attack against democracy as we have know it.
I was very sorry to see this for I think our way of government works pretty well, on a whole! 
On subsequent days, some of the mob were arrested and put in jail, and later were tried and sent to prison.
But the person who called the mob to the gathering at Washington DC, and sent them to the capitol, was not charged with anything nor put in jail for instigating the riot although we all watched Mr. Trump do this on national TV News live at the time.
We saw a sign carried by one of the mob.  The sign said, "Hang Mike Pence."  We saw a rope formed into a noose and a wooden type of scaffold.
Some of the mob carried weapons of metal type pieces of rods.  Some even had guns.  They "stormed the capitol" breaking windows of the building and forcing doors ... and they went inside and began wandering through the various hallway, going into some of the rooms.
It was pretty fully shown on various TV news stories. 
By this time, I was pretty interested in what had happened and what was going to happen to that Mob and especially to Mr. Trump who called the mob to come to Washington DC for that specific day and sent them to the capitol to stop the counting of electoral votes for President of the United States!
I think I heard each session of the Congressional Committee which investigated the situation.
Apparently I took evil into my heart when nothing was done concerning the man, President Trump, who formed the mob and incited the attack itself.
There was no execution of justice in the matter.
This really upset me.
To me, this was the beginning of the end of democracy in the United States and it would only be a matter of time before another type of government would be formed.
I think I began to hate Donald Trump when he would say the election of 2020 had bee stolen.  To me this was not true.
God did not want me to have hatred against anyone, so God simply changed my heart and cleansed my heart and Spirit, and removed the evil from my heart on the morning of Thursday, May 30, 2024, ... before the jury announced the verdict in the Donald Trump"Hush Money" trial late that afternoon.
