Thursday, February 27, 2025

πŸ’₯ Fun story and helped by recorded scriptures

Pam Padgett, member of the body of Christ
I keep a flashlight on my bedside table to use in getting to the bathroom during the night. With 2 dogs and 2 or 3 cats in my room each night, I could easily trip over one of them if I didn't have at least a little light. A flashlight gives the light I need without waking me up too much

Wednesday morning around 4:30 am, I reached to get the flashlight and must have hit the TV remote which was also on the table. The remote went flying off the table which scared my dog, Gus. Gus took off running across the room. Apparently, the remote's "On" button was hit in all the commotion, and the TV and Roku device came on. 

Using the flashlight, I couldn't find the remote to turn off the television, so I finally turned on a lamp. It took a while, but I finally found the remote and was able to turn the TV off. 

By this time, I was wide awake, and didn't feel I would be able to get back to sleep ... and it was only 4:30 am!

Then a thought came to listen to some of the recorded scriptures.  I turned on "Selected Proverbs", got in bed and turned off the lamp. Before long, I was asleep and slept soundly until the dogs woke me at 8:20. 

Something kind of interesting happened as I slept.  In a dream, I could hear the recorded scriptures in the background. At one point in the dream, a young man (about 20 years old) and I were talking. I could tell by what he said that he had been paying attention to what we're told in these Proverbs scriptures and was glad to hear them.

I am definitely helped by the recorded scriptures, and think the dream may be showing that others are also helped by them.
