Friday, January 12, 2024

πŸ’₯ God will be our guide even unto death. (Psalm 48)

From Barbara Preston, member of the body of Christ:

My husband had a stroke last summer and his vision in one eye was affected and this impaired his ability to drive.

We were not sure if he would ever be able to drive again.

I had talked to God about this, requesting that his ability to drive be restored, at some point, if this is His will.

I hadn’t heard anything about this from God until recently having a dream and in this dream Edward was driving!

I am smiling as I write this because now I have hope and more than hope because through this dream I have assurance from God that this will happen!

How blessed we are to have Almighty God to turn to as we live on this earth.

Also, the following scripture was called to my attention the other day and I find it so helpful and strengthening to think about what it tells us…

Psalm 48:14  
For this God is our God for ever and ever: HE will be our guide even unto death.
