Joan Boney
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I Corinthians 2:1-2
I Cor. 2:1-2 ... And I, brethren, when I came to you, came not with excellency of speech or of wisdom, declaring unto you the testimony of God. For I determined not to know any thing among you, save Jesus Christ, and him crucified.
Paul was saying he was determined to speak by the spirit and not the flesh.
Paul lived at time Jesus walked in the flesh on this present earth.
It would not have helped the church for Paul to have visited Jesus' brothers or family after the crucifixion and have asked them to tell him about Jesus. (That would have been flesh and no power)
Paul was not telling the church about the exact manger where Jesus was born so they could visit that manger. (flesh and no power)
Paul was not telling them about the village where Jesus lived as a child nor the street Jesus lived on. (flesh and no power)
None of this would be beneficial to the church.
Paul didn't take the church to the garden in Jerusalem where Jesus prayed. (flesh and no power)
I'm amazed at how people visit Jerusalem to see sites where Jesus walked. (flesh and no power)
These are fleshly and have no power.
Paul was going to present to the church things of power, things of God, not things to tickle the flesh.
Jn. 4:23-24 ... But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship HIM. God is a Spirit: and they that worship HIM must worship HIM in spirit and in truth.
There are churches where they exalt the flesh, hanging pictures on wall that are supposed to represent Jesus ... some actor they picture who would look like Jesus in the flesh. These are usually an attractive, long haired man dressed in long garments.
But Isaiah said the following concerning Jesus:
Isaiah 53:2-3 ... HE (Jesus) hath no form nor comeliness; and when we shall see HIM, there is no beauty that we should desire Him.
HE is despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief:
A Baptist woman told me she would like me to come to see the "monument" she had built to Jesus on her bookshelf. (flesh and not spirit)
I did not go see this.
I once told story of how I wanted two windows in house I was building. Contractor was framing house at the time and I asked him if he could put two windows at that location. He said he couldn't do that.
A few days later, my mother and I were driving down a street that looked onto that place where I wanted those windows. Two openings were there.
I said to contractor, "I see you've decided you can put those two windows in house." He replied, "Not really. A wind came last night and blew those two holes in the frame work."
I said, "Then can you put windows there?"
He said, "I guess we can."
God had blown holes in the exact places where I wanted windows!
A woman who heard this story said she and her husband planned to go to that town and she was going to go see those windows. (all flesh/no spirit)
There are many who want to worship the seen and miss the unseen.
Another example: All scripture is inspired by God and is profitable ... (I Tim. 3)
But at the end of the chapters of the Bible often the publisher has added some statements as to who wrote the chapter and even where it was written. This is unprofitable to us and often the information given is incorrect. I would prefer this not be on the chapters. But I always try to skip it when I am reading Bible, knowing these are not words inspired by God but are just fleshly things and are unprofitable.
I Cor. 2 is one of the chapters given me by God when HE was training me for the work HE would have me do. This example given by Paul shows to abstain from clever stories which amuse humans but have no power of God.
Speak that which the Holy Spirit gives which is power of God.