Saturday, June 14, 2014

God equips us for battles we face

Pam Padgett ... teacher

A few years ago I was given the following dream ... I was in a rather small army and we were about to be attacked by a much larger army. We were led to go into a room on an upper floor of a building. We knew the enemy would come there and that the battle would be in this room. There was a table and chairs in the room. Although I thought about turning the table on its side to use as a type of shield, it seemed other people had already started doing that. We didn’t have weapons such as guns; we were given forks. There was a closet near the door through which the enemy would enter. I took a fork and went into the closet, leaving the door partially opened.

Then the enemy started coming through the door. I reached out of the closet, grabbed an enemy soldier, and stabbed the soldier several times with my fork. When that soldier fell, I reached and grabbed another. After having done this several times, the enemy saw what I was doing and three of them came to kill me. It looked totally hopeless for me. But then, suddenly, the fighting stopped. I asked others in the army I was in why the fighting stopped and was told that it was because I was being attacked. There was a rule that if a soldier was already injured, they could not be attacked. At first I wondered how this pertained to me, but then saw a small cut on my left arm. I don’t think I was even aware of this during the battle, and it certainly hadn’t stopped me from killing several of the enemy. But, evidently, this was seen as a serious offense by those in power. So the fighting had been stopped and the enemy army was held responsible for this.

I was concerned that I had stabbed each enemy soldier several times and wondered if this was going against the rules as well. However, I was told that this was ok since I stabbed the soldier multiple times in the same attack ... I hadn’t set out to attack someone who was already wounded.

As we waiting in the room, we received word that the enemy had admitted they were wrong. We thought the fighting would now resume. But as we waiting in the room for the enemy to return, we noticed through a window that the enemy troops were marching out of the city. The battle was over. I turned and told those in the room that this was God’s doing (that we weren’t destroyed by the enemy and that the battle was over), and others agreed.

We encounter various trials and battles as we live on this earth, and our enemy the devil tries to destroy us.

God enables us to overcome and not be destroyed.  He gives us the weapons we need.  We can't fight with our own reasonings or our own wisdom (by our flesh), but we fight with that which God gives us by the Holy Spirit.  The weapons God gives to us are exactly what is needed at that time.

An example is that the devil often attacks us by thoughts which trouble us or bring needless fears.  We might try to reason away the thought with our own minds saying "that is ridiculous", but we find we continue to be troubled.  When we turn to God and are given His word in the matter (perhaps a scripture, dream, thought from the Holy Spirit), that is a sure "weapon" to deal with the damaging thought.  It is put to death. The devil cannot stand against the weapons God gives to us.

And even in the midst of the battle, God watches over us.  Sometimes we may feel overwhelmed or hopeless, but God never leaves us and is able to keep us from being destroyed.