Thursday, September 3, 2015

Testimony of help from God

From Cathy Varner ... member of body of Christ

This week, I was planning on going to an outdoor concert at a park at an amphitheater.  I wanted to take a folding chair to sit on, since it's hard for me to sit very long without support for my back.  A week or so ago my husband had taken some, if not all, of our folding chairs to my sister's house, and I didn't know if he'd brought them all back.  And now he was away camping with our kids, and had said he was going to take folding chairs, so I didn't know if there were any left at our house.

I was talking to God about this....what am I going to do about a chair?  I looked in the back of my car where there had been 2 chairs before, but they were no longer there.  I began looking in a room, which is basically for storage, and when I got to the other side of the room, there I saw a canvas bag which had a folding chair inside.