Monday, September 7, 2015

Being born again

Juliett Walton ... Member of body of Christ

During the summer in 1972, when I was in between jobs, a woman from the neighborhood come to my door and gave me a Bible and invited me to a Bible study.  I was surprised that she gave me that Bible.  It was not a the King James version but a Good News For Modern Man.Bible  I went to the Bible study in which women from the community attended in the morning on a week day. They were reading the scriptures in the book of John. I remember them were speaking about the man who was born blind from birth in chapter 9.   They would stop read and talk about what was read. I enjoyed going and went again.  Then sometime later maybe a few week or so, I was at home alone and God revealed Himself to me through a thought.  "Jesus Christ is  The Son of God and you have not accepted Him".  I was so shocked and shaken .All I could say was "help me" I did not know how to pray but  I was changed. I did not know what happen but I had a thirst for the things of God.

Shortly after that I started working at a new job and was not able to attend that group..  I kept in touch with one of the women until I moved away to a different state.  (at that time I was married but now divorced ).  When I was a child I attended the Baptist church but did not know God.  In His own time and way He revealed Himself to me. At that time I was born again.