Thursday, October 3, 2019

* Put your trust in God and don't compromise... God will do it!

Joan Boney ... apostle/prophet

Often we are frightened over prospects:

How will I manage when I get old?  Who will help me?

Recently I was thinking of my own life and the miraculous provision made for me by God.

First God put a desire into my heart.

I had a large house in Texas.  But I began wanting to live in one room and have all my things around me in one room instead of having to go from room to room.

I had reached the age of 81.  "How can I continue to live alone," I asked God?

About 15-years before this, one person from our church group had moved to the city where I lived but it just didn't work out to be around her.  I tried to make it work but it didn't and I felt guilty continually over her.  (My "feeling" was the Holy Spirit trying to lead me.)

Often we try to explain away our negative "feelings" when really that "feeling" is from the Holy Spirit who is trying to show us, "This won't work!"


Then I fell at my house on December 6, 2018 and was taken to hospital and had surgery.

This same church woman came to hospital to "help" me.  (But this woman greatly troubled me through the years and I often seriously questioned her decisions which I witnessed, and I had also prayed many times that this woman never be in charge of me should I have a need.)

She was there when hospital worker brought me papers to sign before surgery where I had to name someone to be in charge of making decisions for me should I not be able.

I said, "Pam Padgett will be in charge."

This woman was shocked.  She replied,  "How can Pam be in charge?  She lives in Colorado."  (450-miles-away.)

I said,  "I don't know how she can be, but she is."

The only person I had in Lubbock, Texas, to help me when I was helpless was this one church woman who greatly troubled me.

After surgery, I saw this woman standing at the foot of my hospital bed.  Without a word, she turned and disappeared through the wall.

I thought I was having a drug induced vision from the pain medicine.

But it turned out to be a vision from God showing me what was going to happen.

During that time, for about two weeks, she still came to hospital and rehab hospital to bring me things that I seemed to need, but one day she came to my room and told me she no longer cared about anyone or anything. (She said she no longer read the Bible nor our church blog.)  She "snuck" out of the room and disappeared, exactly as God had shown me she was going to do.

My physical condition was very bad at that time.  I didn't know if I would live.  I couldn't walk.  I couldn't get to the bathroom by myself.  I couldn't eat.  (I lost 40 lbs.)  And I had no one to help me and no plan.  And I was 81-years-old.

I think I must have known God would work it out one way or another for I wasn't even crying out for help.  I just lay there and watched TV and slept.

But regardless, I never felt I had to "make do" with that church woman who greatly troubled me with her decisions.

And I was glad she disappeared!  

God worked it out.  

I was in a very difficult time concerning the rehabilitation center.  I needed to find another hospital and move. (I couldn't even walk let alone hunt a new place to live.) 

It was Christmas. (Usually a difficult time to make any changes.) 

Pam Padgett called me and said she would be there on Tuesday.  I was surprised.  She did come there and found a place for me and helped me move to the new rehabilitation hospital. After returning to Colorado,  she flew back to Lubbock to help me get to a doctor's appointment two weeks later, though she lived about 450-miles away.

God put it into our minds for her to take me into her house and for me to move to Colorado.

It is remarkable.  I have the one room at her house which had become "my desire" to have with my things around me, even with my cat which Pam moved from Lubbock.

There is no problem here.  We just deal with things as they surface and God changes our heart if one of us disagrees!

God basically worked out the impossible for me!


Don't compromise ... and learn when something is negative, you have likely heard from the Holy Spirit so follow HIM.  No matter how impossible it seems, when it is the way of God, HE will work it out for us.

Don't compromise that which is inside of you and don't try to explain away your feelings.

(Those negative feelings are likely from the Holy Spirit showing you not to try to go in a certain direction ... there is another way!)

Basically stick with God and know it is God and not yourself!
