Sunday, September 6, 2015

Trust in God

Linda Rodgers ... member of body of Christ

On my way home from work recently my truck began to sputter and died on me in traffic.  This was very concerning to me because I drive 50 miles a day to work three days a week and my truck is 13 years old.  So I immediately prayed to God and asked Him what to do.  

I heard “Trust in ME” which I knew came from the Holy Spirit.  

I began to calm down and pay attention.  

I then heard “Mahaffey Street”, which I knew was about 3 miles up the road from where I was so I tried to start the truck again and amazingly it started, although very rough.  

I prayed and asked God to help me to get to this street.  

I then remembered that there was a gas station on the corner.  With God’s help I was able to get there and call for some assistance.  The gas station was fairly new and I was able to get out of the heat (in Houston, Tx.) and get a cold drink while I waited .  God knows everything about us and all that we need at any given time and I am so grateful that he helped me out of harm’s way.